Mois : octobre 2020

What’s the best Linux distro for you?

First, let’s clarify something: Linux is not an operating system! Linux is a kernel, to get an operating system, you need to choose a distrubution which will pack Linux as the kernel. There’s also other Unix-like operating systems which will pack BSD as the kernel …

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How to Delete Certbot Certificate by Domain Name (Let’s Encrypt)

First, list your certificates by running this command : Here’s an immediate way to delete a Certbot certificate by including the domain name in the command like this: To avoid problems, you should also delete the Apache configuration associated with this certificate, here’s an exemple …

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How to update GLPI to latest version (2020)

Note As for every update process, you have to backup some data before processing any upgrade: backup your database; backup your files directory; backup your configuration. I will provide you with the information to update GLPI to the latest version. In this exemple, I will …

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